HTML meta tag is used to give page description, keywords, author, and other metadata of HTML document.
It is recommended to use the metadata to increase the SEO (search engine optimization) of the website.
Meta element comes inside head section.
HTML Meta Description is used to give the short summary of the Web page which is also useful for search engines.
It plays a very important role in Search Engine Optimization for Google, Bing, Yandex etc.
In the above, we have shown an example of HTML Meta Description.
Run the code to see the effect.
HTML Meta Keyword is used to define the keywords for search engines.
In the above, we have shown an example of HTML Meta Keywords.
Run the code to see the effect.
HTML Meta Author is used to give the author of the Web Page.
In the above, we have shown an example of HTML Meta Author.
Run the code to see the effect.
HTML Meta Refresh is used to refresh the Web Page in every particular interval of time.
In the above, we have shown an example of HTML Meta Refresh.
content="5" refresh the web page in every 5 sec.
Run the code to see the effect.