HTML Computer code is used to write computer language programming language codes on the web page. kbd tag, samp tag, and code tag change the font style of the text and make it smaller than actual text which is suitable to write computer code.
HTML Keyboard input is used to write keyboard inputs like (Ctrl+C, F5 etc.) on the web page.
HTML Keyboard input is defined by <kbd> tag.
HTML Computer output is used to write computer output like (Error!, Access denied, File Not Found etc.) on the web page.
HTML Computer output is defined by <samp> tag.
HTML Computer code is used to write computer code like (#include, function() etc.) on the web page.
HTML Computer code is defined by <code> tag.
In the above, we have shown an example of HTML Computer Code.
As per visual appearance all 3 tags (kbd, samp, and code) looks same and have same font family also that is monospaced;
However, it is recommended that we should use kbd for keyboard input, samp for computer output and code to write the programming code.
Run the code to see the effect.