Give Current Affairs Test Online of 9 May 2019. You will learn about Mali, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita has as of late reported the new legislature of 37 individuals under Prime Minister Boubou Cisse after its forerunner surrendered a month ago. A week ago, Cisse marked an agreement with resistance and larger part party agents pronouncing their readiness to set up a politically-comprehensive new government. Cisse's forerunner Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga and his whole bureau surrendered on April 18 following the slaughter of somewhere in the range of 160 individuals from the Fulani crowding network on March 23 in the town of Ogossagou close to Mali's outskirt with Burkina Faso. Countless individuals rioted on April 5 to challenge an upsurge of savagery that has guaranteed around 600 lives.