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27 September 2020 Current Affairs Quiz

  • Total number of questions : 10.
  • Time alloted : 10 minutes.
  • Each question carry 1 mark.
  • No Negative marks
  • DO NOT refresh the page.
  • All the best :-)

Learn About Current Affair

Give Current Affairs Quiz Online Test of 27 September 2020. Learn about the followings
▸ The G4 nations - India, Japan, Brazil, and Germany during a virtual gathering of the unfamiliar priests of the G4 countries 75th meeting of the United Nations General Assembly uninvolved featured the requirement for pressing changes in the United Nations and its primary dynamic body UNSC to more readily reflect contemporary real factors.
▸ India's perpetual enrollment in the UN Security Council and the changes looked for by the G-4 nations China once remained wary on. The Chinese unfamiliar service representative at press instructions in Beijing expressed that there are huge divisions and an absence of a far-reaching agreement on the game plan for changes at UNSC.

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